Thursday 26 June 2008

INTERVIEW: Emile Hirsch - Speed Racer!

Emile Hirsch may soon be the new name on everyone’s lips, given the 23 year old's already impressive CV. Thus far he’s starred alongside Jodie Foster, Bruce Willis and acted opposite the late Heath Ledger in one of his last movies, The Lords of Dogtown. Today, however, he’s here to talk about his new starring role in the long-awaited Speed Racer, the first film directed by The Wachowski Brothers since The Matrix. In it he plays Speed, a young racing driver who attempts to uncover the corruption and greed that rules his sport.

Hirsch has had a great few months, with the late part of last year seeing him star in the critically adored Into The Wild, which was directed by Sean Penn and earned two Oscar nominations. “It’s really an exciting time for me” says Hirsch. “‘Into The Wild’ was an amazing experience, from the very beginning - getting the part, shooting it, getting it’s release and then how people responded to it. I feel really privileged to have been a part of that, and this film, for so many reasons that are different.”

He adds that the change from edgy independent film to multi-million dollar action was a great challenge for him. “A lot of people say to me, ‘these are such different projects’ and I think that’s what so much fun about them. Also, the fact that they’re back-to-back for me, they were about 4 months apart.”

The role sees him working with the enigmatic Wachowski Brothers, however it was not the first time he had met the pair. “Believe it or not, I had actually met them years and years ago on ‘The Matrix 2’, I had auditioned for one of the roles” he says. “I was mesmerised by them when I first met them. I thought that they were just so brilliant, and I was such a huge fan of ‘The Matrix’, that to get to meet the guys who created ‘The Matrix’ was like a ‘holier than thou’ meeting! So when I came back in years later, I was really hoping that this time I’d get the part.”

Although he had to act against a green screen (a process which he simply describes as “maddening”), Hirsch researched into the culture of motor racing, a process which he enjoyed immensely. “That’s one of the things I’ve always enjoyed about being an actor, is that you can not know about all these different worlds” he enthuses. “Just like I didn’t know much about the outdoors before I did ‘Into The Wild’, but you get to learn about it. And that’s always been one of the more fascinating parts for me is before the cameras even roll, getting to go to Texas and see the speedway, and NASCAR, and see all the cars and drivers. It’s just a whole different world.”

Finally, given all that exposure to speed, has he noticed his driving getting a bit more adventurous? “No” laughs Hirsch, “I certainly have a lot of respect for race car drivers, but I’m not a very fast driver.”

Speed Racer is released 9th May.

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Monday 16 June 2008

Voight Can't Wait To Be A Grandfather

Jon Voight is excited about becoming a grandfather again after patching up his longterm rift with superstar daughter Angelina Jolie. Heavily-pregnant Jolie recently revealed she was back in contact with her dad, six years after she severed ties when he told a TV interview she had "severe emotional problems". And Voight can't wait to embrace the twins Jolie is expecting with partner Brad Pitt. He says, "The babies haven't come yet but am I looking forward to it, yes I am. Right now I just want those babies to be healthy and for the mommy to be healthy. When they come I'm going to be so excited." And Voight is sure his daughter can cope with the trials of raising twin babies, with four other children to handle: "Twins are a definite handful. "It's a huge deal. You've just got two kids and if one starts crying then you starting taking that one and then the other one - oh boy, you have to be young and strong to take care of twins. "But Angie can handle it."

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Friday 6 June 2008

Mel Gibson - Gibson Im A Manic Depressive

Hollywood actor MEL GIBSON suffers from manic depression, according to a leaked report.

An interview with the Australian star - who hit the headlines for using anti-Semitic language during a driving under the influence (DUI) arrest near his home in Malibu, California in 2006 - has surfaced which quotes the actor admitting he is a "manic depressive".

The documentary, filmed in 2002 by The Patriot star's old school friend Sally MCKenzie, is about Australia's National Institute of Dramatic Art's acting class of 1977 - which Gibson attended. It's due to air on Australian TV network ABC2 on 25 May (08).

Gibson is reported to say, "I had really good highs but some very low lows. I found out recently I'm manic depressive."

His publicist was not immediately available for comment.

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